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Trash Film Blog

3 подписчика

Interview with Actor Wilfredo Roldan

Left with nothing but a compass and my keen sense of smell, I managed to track down actor/martial arts master Wilfredo Roldan after completing my piece on Devil's Express, asking if he was willing to participate in an interview for a humble website with "Trash" in the title. Not only did he agree

Devil's Express (aka Gang Wars) - 1976

Devil's Express stars Warhawk Tanzania.

Warhawk. Tanzania.

Swallow that name like sweet honey. Have you heard anything more perfect? Would an alternate instrument of warfare/African republic sound so lovely?  Panzer Malawi? Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 Djibouti? Voulge Chad?

Interview with Costume Designer Sarah Trost

Also on Trash Film:
The FP Review
Interview with director Jason Trost
Interview with actor Lee Valmassy

It was D.W. Griffith who once stated "Costume design is an arcane science of temporal exploration, so get me some gnarly grills and electro-belts to

Battletruck (aka Warlords of the Twenty-First Century) - 1982

Battletruck is your new lord. Battletruck is steel-built and strength-protected. Battletruck: final fortress of the bold-goliaths. I spent 91 minutes watching a Roger Corman behemoth called Battletruck and I enjoyed it. Perhaps I reside not on Earth, but a distant rock perpetually

Interview with Actor Lee Valmassy

Also on Trash Film:
The FP Review
Interview with director Jason Trost 
Interview with costume designer Sarah Trost

Throughout the cacophony of The FP, Lee Valmassy as L Dubba E somehow manages to be the most outrageous character among a society of lunatics. Every

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